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Showing posts from November, 2019

Plastic Bags.

                                                              MAKING  of PLASTIC BAG         As we are aware of the recent decision taken by Indian government regarding the ban on usage of plastic bag all over the country, which can make us curious about,"What exactly made our government take such a concrete step"?    So for that we have come with some not so known facts regarding Plastic bags manufacturing.  and It's harmful effects. Manufacturing of Plastic bags. 1. Plastic bags, we use are made up of granules of linear polyethene resin that would be melted then mixed with other granules to make a homogenous material. 2.   The polyethene, which we use for plastic bags are derived from refined oil and natural gas from underground through the drilling process. 3.  The raw oil is sent through pipes to refinery. Petroleum is separated at these sites into various different - different densities so that the appropriate oil needed for plastic can be extract