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Showing posts from July, 2020

Daily Acts

Daily acts Little things combined make a huge difference in your life. All the daily acts of yours, whether its a simple walking or talking or any other thing, if done, in a great way makes you unique and defines you in a certain way. There are many small acts, which if done in a great way impact your life greatly 1. Sitting - This is not just an act its a yoga in itself. Sitting with your spine erect gets you to align with the energy source and an immense positiveness enters your being. Lousy sitting not only hurt you physically if done for a longer period of time but also becomes a hurdle in your spiritual growth. 2. Eating - There are many awareness programs on what you should eat but very little on how you should eat. How you eat shows your present mental state. If you are tensed you will eat very fast and if you are being impatient you are eating with big bites. 3. Sleeping - The way you sleep reveals your personality. Click on

Seven ways to detox your emotional wellbeing

Seven ways to detox your emotional wellbeing Let it out. Raise your arm in the air like you just don't care. But sometimes we care too much, So, It is important for us to cleanse ourselves from inside from time to time. The seven ways to detox our emotional wellbeing are right below 1. Organize your environment. It is the single most important thing that makes you feel better and acts wonders for your emotional wellbeing. It brings clarity and enthusiasm in you and hence improves your energy level and productivity. 2. Hydrate like a boss. Man is made up of 70% water. No doubt the dehydration affects the way the brain thinks. Studies show that even mild dehydration quickly affects the mood. 3. Watch the sunset. Just being in the presence of something beautiful can make you feel more connected. The sunset is the most beautiful act of nature and experiencing the same can make your mood fly high in the sky. 4. Do your journal We don't a