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Daily Acts

Daily acts

Little things combined make a huge difference in your life.

All the daily acts of yours, whether its a simple walking or talking or any other thing, if done, in a great way makes you unique and defines you in a certain way.

There are many small acts, which if done in a great way impact your life greatly

1. Sitting - This is not just an act its a yoga in itself. Sitting with your spine erect gets you to align with the energy source and an immense positiveness enters your being.

Lousy sitting not only hurt you physically if done for a longer period of time but also becomes a hurdle in your spiritual growth.

2. Eating - There are many awareness programs on what you should eat but very little on how you should eat. How you eat shows your present mental state.

If you are tensed you will eat very fast and if you are being impatient you are eating with big bites.

3. Sleeping - The way you sleep reveals your personality. Click on the article link here to know about it.

4. Keeping things organized around - The outer situation is the mirror image of your inner world. Therefore, what you are from inside ultimately reveals to the world.

Keeping things organized and clean around helps you in mental clarity and positivity.

In conclusion, those little things happening inside your thoughts and emotions do not have little consequence if persists for a long enough time period. It has a great impact on most of the aspects of your life.

5. Walking - The way you walk reveals your confidence level. Are you walking straight or with lousiness? It is not just for nothing.

Many types of research have shown that those who walk with a curved spine, do lack self-esteem. Certainly, there are many benefits of walking to know it well click here.

6. Responding or Reacting - Result is the combination of event and response. Reaction means you are not thinking, you just acted out of compulsions.

On the other hand, responding means you think, analyses chooses and then acts. The response is a trait of wise people, people with patience, and calmness. But, Reaction is considered an animalistic approach towards life.

7. Routine work - Your daily routine is the basis of your wellbeing. What you do on a daily basis shows how disciplined you are.

Those small results of the daily routine project it bigger in size in the future. In short, what you are today is the sum total of all the daily acts you performed in the past.


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