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Showing posts from August, 2020

What is plastic pollution?

What is plastic pollution? Plastic Pollution is the accumulation of plastic wastes in the Earth's environment. It is also one of the most urgent environmental issues we are facing today as the world is engulfing in plastic wastes. Usage of Plastics that used to be an easy, economical alternative to most of the materials decades back has now become one of the biggest threats to our health and the Eco-system. As we are aware of the recent decision taken by the Indian government regarding the ban on usage of plastic bags all over the country, which can make us curious about, "What exactly made our government take such a concrete step?    So for that, we have come with some not so known facts regarding Plastic products and it's harmful effects. About 40% of the plastics are plastic bags and packaging. This kind of short term use and long term dumping as waste are causing an immense threat to our future wellbeing. About 75% of the plastics stic

Virat Kohli

Virat Kohli is the fittest cricketer in the world if not the fittest sportsperson. Fitness is indispensable for a successful sports career. But, some players like Virat Kohli, Christiano Ronaldo, and many others have taken the fitness level to a very high level. The hard work he put upon himself is out of the world. The disciplinary routine with a strict diet has put him on another level which seems impossible for any other cricketer to match. Analyzing his career, the effect of his fitness on his career graph is spellbound. Earlier in his interview, he already told so many times that he was a very undisciplined person in his personal and professional life. But somehow few incidences have impacted his way of thinking and has certainly made him the most hardworking, disciplined, and the greatest performing cricketer in today's era. His Journey from a chubby Delhi boy to the fittest cricketer is an inspiration for every young person. Some excerpt from his in

What food is good for heart?

What food is good for heart? The heart is an engine of the human body. It makes each organ of the body alive by pumping blood to the whole body. The blood is pumped by the heart at an optimum rate. Any change in the pressure of the blood pumping causes problems, sometimes too severe to live with it. Food is a major factor that affects almost everything inside the body. Therefore, it is important to eat food consciously, which is healthy for your heart. What food is good for heart patients? What food is good for heart problems? Which food is good to avoid a heart attack? What should we eat for a healthy heart? These are some mostly asked questions online regarding heart problems. Many types of research and studies show that a high intake in green leafy vegetables lowers the risk of heart diseases quite significantly. A normal heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute. The most healthy foods for heart are: 1.Leafy Green Vegetables. 2. Whole Grain