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Virat Kohli

Virat Kohli is the fittest cricketer in the world if not the fittest sportsperson. Fitness is indispensable for a successful sports career. But, some players like Virat Kohli, Christiano Ronaldo, and many others have taken the fitness level to a very high level.

The hard work he put upon himself is out of the world. The disciplinary routine with a strict diet has put him on another level which seems impossible for any other cricketer to match.

Analyzing his career, the effect of his fitness on his career graph is spellbound.

Earlier in his interview, he already told so many times that he was a very undisciplined person in his personal and professional life. But somehow few incidences have impacted his way of thinking and has certainly made him the most hardworking, disciplined, and the greatest performing cricketer in today's era.

His Journey from a chubby Delhi boy to the fittest cricketer is an inspiration for every young person.

Some excerpt from his interviews about his fitness

1.Virat Kohli has turned vegetarians and according to him since the time he turned into a vegetarian, the energy level, bodily and mental fitness improved vastly and also his performances.

2. He visualizes a lot and does positive affirmations in his spare times and while traveling.

3. He used to be a foodie. A regular Delhi boy who used to eat street food like any other Delhi guy. But now he has completely abstained from street food and only relies on homemade nutritious foods, fruits, and Juices.

4. Virat's favorite exercise is "Power Snatch", which he can do every day.

5. Virat spends at-least one and a half hours in the gym on a daily basis.

Some Personal Information Of Him

6. His shirt number is 18 that's because his father passed away on 18 December 2006. Coincidentally he was 18 years of age at that time and the date of his international debut is also 18 ( 18th August 2008 in ODI against Srilanka).

Celebrity Fitness

Akshay Kumar

Alia Bhatt


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