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No Water No Survival

No Water No Survival

Water is an indispensable element for the survival of living beings anywhere.

Since our body is about 69% to 70% made of water, we need to consume water on a regular basis to maintain this balance and for the normal functioning of our body.

Drinking water is not a point of well-being but a matter of survival. But the modern way of living has absolutely no reverence to the substance which makes our life.

How can we expect it to behave well within us?

Water means life and pure water means health

Benefits of Drinking water

  1. Keep you hydrated and energetic.
  2. Maintain the chemical composition of the body.
  3. Helps you indigestion.
  4. Cleanses the internal organs.
  5. It boosts skin health and beauty.
  6. Helps in maintaining body temperature.
  7. Helps in maintaining body pressure.
  8. Prevent headaches, kidney stones, cramps, joints.
  9. Supports muscle building.
  10. Improves circulation.
  11. Enhances brain function.
  12. Supports heart health.

The chemical composition of water is H2O. Two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen.

Other sources of water

As per many researches 80% of the water should come directly from water and 20% from various foods.

There are many fruits in which water content is in abundance like Watermelon, Mango, Pomegranate, Musk melon, Grapes, Tomato, etc.

Thousands have lived without love, not one without water

It is good to keep these fruits in a regular diet as along with a good amount of water, these fruits also provide some vital elements for the body.

Some energy drinks and fresh juice can also be consumed. Fruits like watermelon, muskmelon, mango, pomegranate etc.

For decades many awareness campaigns about the necessity to preserve water and its sources across the world have been going on.

The campaigning is on in full flow for the last two decades. The depleting water levels underground caused some severe problems before humans.

The water crises in some places put a question mark on the future survival of living beings.

The Asian and African countries are at the receiving end of the ever aggravating water crisis because of the hot climate.

The campaigning has been successful in making people aware of the problem that living beings could face if we keep on abusing water resources in the same fashion.

The selfish and unconscious behavior of humans has put millions of species in the endangered list already and continuing on the same path in the future also.

To combat the water crisis many companies now focusing on the recycling of water through various processes.

All the water that will ever be is, right now.

Water Pollution

Water pollution happens when harmful substances like chemicals or water bodies contaminate water bodies.

The causes of water pollution are usually due to human activities. Water pollution destroys biodiversity and aquatic bodies.

The prime source of pollution is marine dumping, industrial garbage, and domestic sewage.

Around 70% of industrial waste is dumped in the water. 80% of water pollution is caused due to domestic sewage.

WHO released a book on water pollution control. A guide to the use of water quality management principles.

What is water called in other languages?

  • In Spanish agua.
  • French I'eau.
  • German Wasser.
  • Chinese Shui.
  • Korean Mul.
  • Japanese Mizu.
  • Turkish Su.
  • Hindi Jal.
  • Tamil Tannir.

Today's One Point News

Air India Plane crashed at Kozhikode Airport.


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