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Coronavirus (COVID 19) - a dent on wellbeing

Coronavirus(COVID 19) - a dent on wellbeing

        In the past many decades, COVID 19 like disease has never be seen by this generation or before. This is just unprecedented. What makes this more dangerous than another pandemic is the way it spreads so easily.

        Coronavirus is also called COVID 19. The full form of COVID 19 is coronavirus disease in 2019. Coronavirus was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan city of China. It spreads so rapidly in Wuhan that it took not just china but the whole world as a shock.

A clear theory about the origin of the virus has not been confirmed yet. Many believe it came from a bat, many give a theory of Bio war. A theory of conspiracy by China against powerful countries for economic gain and dominance over the whole world. According to this theory, COVID 19 was made in Wuhan lab for a purpose and from there it was transferred to other nations. Many other theories are also roaming around in the digital world, but there is no confirmed stamp on any of these by any country or by WHO.


Symptoms of Coronavirus(COVID 19)

The reason behind the virus is so dangerous is due to a very easy human to a human transaction. One more reason is that the symptom of the flue is very much like that of a common flue e.g. sore throat, running nose, fever, body pain. Initially, you won't be able to detect what is what. But as the other symptoms start to catch like shortness of breath and pneumonia, things started to get ugly and bit confusing.

Crisis in the world

       The starting three months was a nightmare for china as the whole world was watching and the china was suffering. But, soon the nightmare spread its legs and measured the whole world, especially Europe and the USA.

       In Europe most affected country to date has been Italy, Spain, UK, France and Germany. In these countries, the infected toll crossed that of china by a huge margin. The medical system in many well-developed countries crashed shockingly.

      The USA, which was initially taking things so lightly that they did not even allot fund for the upcoming and already initiated pandemic. The USA is now facing the worst crises in the world. The infected crossed the sum of all majorly infected countries and the death toll reached to the top.

A similar crisis, the world had faced back in 1918, by a name called Spanish flu. In Today's world, we know the Spanish flu by a name called Influenza. This disease has very much similar symptoms as of COVID 19. Since, both the diseases have similar symptoms, at first, it is very hard to detect the exact disease when you experience those symptoms.

The present state of the infected and death toll is in the link below.


India's strong commitment

Southasia countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka are also on the verge of facing a similar crisis. But with the lesson learnt from the mistake of the western countries and with huge courage and commitment, India is fighting back like a warrior. Indian PM Mr.Modi announced the lockdown of the whole country for twenty-one days and then extended the lockdown for another 19 days already, showing massive commitment to defeat the deadly virus.

  As per the experience so far with the virus and the advice of the medical experts, the virus is deadly for the person with low immunity, especially the old people and children. And also, for people with previous medical conditions like diabetics, HIV, cancer, heart disease, etc.

    As discussed above, the best we can do is social distancing and trying to improve our immunity.

Out of many, the most effective ways to improve your Immunity is below.

  • Don't smoke and drink.
  • Eat fruits with Vitamin C content.
  • Immunity is also very much dependent on your sleep quota. So Sleep enough.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Eat more fermented foods.
  • Have less sugar.
  • Do exercise regularly.

July 2020

The wings are still spreading at the same pace consuming a few more countries a little more. The most influenced countries by the end of April and mid-may now have gone down the list. What emerges as the most influenced country is India, Brazil, Russia. These countries are very populous countries. Considering the nature of transmission of the virus and the population of the countries, it is not surprising that these countries are getting influenced very badly by the virus. With India nearing about ten lakh mark and Brazil about twenty lakh mark, America is still heading the list with well above thirty-five lakh.

Talking about India, Maharashtra is the hardest-hit state. In cities, Mumbai and Delhi are suffering the most. It is now almost a fact that COVID 19 is going to stay for a very long period, and perhaps forever. In Delhi itself, the virus tally reached 1,15,000. Daman and Diu is perhaps the only place in India, which is still untouched by the deadly virus by mid-july. Many diseases which were detected centuries ago are still well active among us. Despite about ten lakh cases and twenty-four thousand deaths, the good sign is that the recovery rate is well above 60 percent. The strength of the virus is also assumed to go do down day by day. As the virus passes through more and more people, the strength of it diminishes by the antibodies developed in the human system.

COVID-19 Test

There are two types of COVID 19 tests, Viral tests, and Antibodies test.

A viral test is used to detect if a person is presently infected or not. Antibodies test is to check if a person has ever been affected by the virus or not. If a person once got infected by the COVID 19, there is less possibility that he/she gets to infect again because the antibody does develop against the virus, but there is no 100% surety. The test center for COVID 19 is now in every state and hopefully in every city as the whole country is under its Shadow.


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