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What is a Satellite?

What is a Satellite?

          Satellite is an object which revolves around another bigger object. Its two main types are, Natural and Artificial. Moon is the natural satellite of Earth. Similarly, our eight planets are the natural satellites of the Sun. Every planet has its own moon except Venus.

A satellite stays in its orbit and revolves with the help of the balance between gravitational force and centrifugal force. Gravitational force act inwards while centrifugal force towards in outer direction. When an object takes a circular path a natural called centrifugal force acts on the body in outer direction.

Our Solar System

         Earth has only one Moon. For the longest period of time, Jupiter was considered to have the highest number of natural satellites but recently Saturn has overtaken Jupiter to have the highest number of natural Satellites. However, this figure also is also not final as there is a possibility of more moons could be found either of Jupiter or of Saturn. Ganymede is the largest Moon of Jupiter as well as of the solar system. The size of Ganymede is larger than Mercury(The smallest planet of the solar system). Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. It is also the second-largest Moon of our solar system.

Moon(The Natural Satellite)

Artificial Satellite     

As far as Artificial Satellites are concerned, they are manmade. They are manufactured on earth and are launched with the help of Rocket. The Soviet Union was the first to launch Artificial satellite in 1957. It was named Sputnik 1. India launched its first in 1975 naming Aryabhatta. So far, India launched 96 artificial satellites for various technological purposes. At the same time, The USA is leading the chart with around 2000 Artificial satellites revolving in earth's orbit. The primary function of Artificial Satellites consists of numerous technological application from Mobile, television, internet, radar, and many more.

Artificial Satellite.

Types of Artificial Satellites and Application.

  • Communications.
  • Remote Sensing.
  • Navigation.
  • Geocentric Orbit type.
  • Global Positioning System.
  • Geostationary.
  • Drone.
  • Ground.
  • Polar.
  • Nano Satellites, CubeSats and SmallSats.

Many of your questions must have been answered so far like:

What is a Satellite?

What is the purpose of the Satellite?

Difference between natural and artificial Satellite?

To get to know more facts about the universe click on below links:

The largest star and the largest galaxy.


  1. […]   Claude Tambauge discovered Pluto in 1930. It is in the Kepler Belt. It has five satellites. Name of the five satellites is Charon, Nix, Hydra, Styx, Kerberos. Charon is the largest of the […]

  2. […] Saturn has 82 moons known to date and the Jupiter has the second most no. of moons in our solar system, which has 79 known moons so far. Moon is also called a natural Satellite. […]


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