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What is Vegan?

What is Vegan?

   Vegans are a group of people who avoids animals and animal products. Veganism is a lifestyle of complete abstains from the eating animals and using an animal product. A vegan diet is rich in fibre.

        Veganism culture is getting popular day by day, thousands of People from different countries actively turning themselves into vegans. 

       As vegan completely abstains from animal products, there might be some nutrition deficiency. To overcome the deficiency caused, it becomes a challenge sometimes to choose the right food to eat.

To compensate for not eating animals and animal products, vegans prefer eating fruits and vegetables rich in proteins.

        The spiritual reason could be behind the people turning vegan changes places to places but in some places like India and other southeastern countries.

 In Western culture, for animal lovers, the reason for turning into a vegan is to avoid all forms of exploitation on animals. The influences of Yoga making Europeans and Americans abstaining from meat and animal products.

Considering spiritual argument turning vegan makes people calmer, relaxed blissful being.

What are the health benefits of being vegan?

  1. Turning vegan reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and protect against diabetes.
  2. A Vegan diet may protect against certain cancers.
  3. It improves liver and kidney function.
  4. It improves mood.
  5. Improves stomach problem like constipation.
  6. It reduces the risk of heart problem.
  7. It helps in maintain the right body weight index.

What do vegans eat?

The most popular food among vegans are:

  1. Sprout.
  2. Beans.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Seeds.
  5. Pulses.
  6. Fruits and vegetables.
  7. Dry fruits.

What do vegans don't eat?

  1. Meat.
  2. Pork.
  3. Beef.
  4. Chicken.
  5. Fish.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Dairy product.
  8. Honey.

Along with the above-mentioned foods and products, there are also a group of vegans who even avoid going to the zoo, circus and animal rides. They also don't attend any event that uses animals as entertainment. Many vegans also avoid pet culture.

The difference between a vegetarian and a vegan is that a vegetarian doesn't eat animals but a vegan not only doesn't eat but also do not use animals and animal products.


  1. […] Too often we observe the tussle between vegetarians and non-vegetarians, who is better than who? It is true that non-vegetarian foods provides proteins like nothing else and hence helps in muscle gain. But if one is aware of the food one eats, and eat consciously even a vegetarian can come on the same platform in terms of muscle gain. These days, considering many harmful effects of non-vegetarian food many are turning into vegetarians and even vegans. […]

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