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What is Vitamin K good for?

What is Vitamin K good for?

    Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is classified into vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2.

Vitamin K1

The chemical name of Vitamin K1 is phylloquinone. It can be received from green and leafy vegetables. It is the main type, consumed by a human (about 75% to 80%).

Vitamin K2

The chemical name of Vitamin K2 as menaquinone. The primary sources of vitamin K2 are meat, eggs, cereals etc.

What does Vitamin K do?

Helps in blood clotting thus prevents excessive bleeding.

Improves bone strength and bone density.

Beneficial for heart health.

What foods are high in Vitamin K?

Leafy vegetables: Kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens.

Sprouts, cauliflower,broccoli ,cabbage.

Fish, liver, meat, eggs, cereals.

How much Vitamin K should I take a day?

The quantity this type of vitamin required depends upon the age of a person and different age group need to have a different quantity in their daily diet.

In adults, It's deficiency is hardly found but in newborn, its deficiency is commonly observed. To counter the deficiency in newborn and excessive bleeding in newborn one injection is standard.

As already discussed above that Deficiency of Vitamin K is not easily found among adults, but if adults are indulging in some unhealthy activities and unintentionally have some conditions (mentioned below), its deficiency may be observed.

  • Drink alcohol excessively.
  • If severely malnourished.
  • Taking drugs that interfere in the functioning of this vitamin.

It is strongly advisable to get rid of the above conditions.

Amount of Vitamin K according to the age group is given below:

Group Adequate Intake
Children 0-6 months
2 micrograms/day
Children 7-12 months
2.5 micrograms/day
Children 1-3
30 micrograms/day
Children 4-8
55 micrograms/day
Children 9-13
60 micrograms/day
Girls 14-18
75 micrograms/day
Women 19 and up
90 micrograms/day
Women, pregnant or breastfeeding (19-50)
90 micrograms/day
Women, pregnant or breastfeeding (under 19)
75 micrograms/day
Boys 14-18
75 micrograms/day
Men 19 and up
120 micrograms/day

What is Vitamin called in other languages?

  • In spanish Vitamina
  • Italian Vitamina
  • French Vitamine
  • German Vitamin
  • Japanese Bitamin
  • Chinese Weitaming
  • Korean Bitamin
  • Hindi Vitaamin
  • Turkish Vitamin


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