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Showing posts from June, 2020

How a star is born?

How a star is born? Since the time human has started to think, they started to strive to understand nature. Our universe has always been a big part of human curiosity. Even in ancient times, man had started to assume about all the other bodies present in the universe. They must be thinking about the stars in the sky. Because of the same curiosity, humans have been able to invent so much. But the one question has always occupied the largest portion of our curiosity. how exactly star is born? and how do they die? What is Nebulae? The place where a star is born is called Nebula. A  nebula  is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some nebulae come from the gas and dust thrown out by the explosion of a dying star, such as a  supernova . Other nebulae are formed, when gas on large scale spread in the space, it starts to accumulate due to mutual gravitational attraction. In those regions, a star is born. For this reason, some nebulae a

Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar is undoubtedly the fittest celebrity in the film industry. He promotes fitness and wellbeing in the lives of the common man in many different ways. He consciously and unconsciously making the lives of many people better and influencing them convincingly through his movies , interviews, chat shows, charity etc . Akshay is considered the epitome of fitness by many. Excerpts from His Interviews about Fitness. 1. He does not eat after the sunset. 2. Banana is his favorit e fruit and he prefers eating banana outside when he does not have anything else to eat. 3. He carries his own Food wherever he goes, never prefers eating outside food in any circumstance. 4. He sleeps by 9 pm and gets up at 4 am. 5. Akshay Kumar at least gives 1 hour to his body on the daily basis. 6. He likes to keep his mobile switched off when at home. 7. He does not restrict himself from eating anything but the food should be homemade. 8. He follows Ayurveda for the last 25 years. 9. He takes

No Water No Survival

No Water No Survival Water is an indispensable element for the survival of living beings anywhere. Since our body is about 69% to 70% made of water, we need to consume water on a regular basis to maintain this balance and for the normal functioning of our body. Drinking water is not a point of well-being but a matter of survival. But the modern way of living has absolutely no reverence to the substance which makes our life. How can we expect it to behave well within us? Water means life and pure water means health Benefits of Drinking water Keep you hydrated and energetic. Maintain the chemical composition of the body. Helps you indigestion. Cleanses the internal organs. It boosts skin health and beauty. Helps in maintaining body temperature. Helps in maintaining body pressure. Prevent headaches, kidney stones, cramps, joints. Supports muscle building. Improves circulation. Enhances brain function. Supports heart health. The chemical composition of water is H

Shushant Singh Rajput(1986 - 2020)

An amazing actor, A great dancer, An intellectual and smart person, A Philanthropist, A risk-taker, A health freak, A sports enthusiast, A charming and loving person, A dreamer, An achiever, A lover and whatnot. What is there, you can't call him? and what he was not? A lot of respect to this Man and my best wishes for his journey afterlife.

Mental wellbeing

Of all the problems that human face, can be summarized in one and only one thing i.e. inability to manage their own thoughts and emotions. These days man are suffering their own memory and imagination. These two faculties have become the biggest enemy of mental wellbeing . Top ten reason of Mental disease. 1.Using Intellect in all aspect of your life. 2.Sticking to your memory - Inability to get rid of bad memory. 3.Suffering their own imagination - Worrying and fear about the future. 4.Inability to control their own thoughts and emotion. 5.Getting trapped in their own life's arrangement. 6.Having unreal and over expectations from themselves and inability to accomplish it. 7.Trying to please everyone around. How to have mental wellbeing? No physical ailment can match up to the amount of suffering caused by mental suffering. There are many ways of living a mentally healthy life as mentioned below. 1.Embrace minimalism. 2. Have clarity of the direction of your life. 3. Don

Top Ten Routines for Wellbeing

Top Ten Routines for Wellbeing Routines make or break a man. What a man does a day in and day out ultimately determines his destination. Routine is your habituated way of doing and being. There are some daily actions that a man can perform, which ultimately work for the wellbeing of the man. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. 1. Sharpen Your being - For your wellbeing and the first and the most important thing is to work on your body, mind, spirit, emotion. Without the sweetness in your body and mind. Nothing matters nothing. 2. Bath Daily - Though this might be a cliche to tell a person to bath daily but it is equally important for your wellbeing. 3.Clean and Organize - As a saying goes your outer life is a reflection of your inner life. The disorganization and untidiness outside of you is a mirror image of the inside of you. So, it is extremely important for having clarity and declutter your mind to be absolute tidy and organised. 4. Eat fib

Alia Bhatt

Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt needs no introduction. She acts, she dances, she sings, she performs on stage and whatnot. Alia is undoubtedly one of the most gifted talents of her time and favourite of all. Her fitness is an inspiration and like so many other celebrity, her's also a journey from fat to fit. She is talented, she is beautiful, she is intelligent and she is an inspiration. She is a talking point around every other corner for a movie lover ever since her first movie student of the year hit the screen. She is loved and appreciated not only in India but in the whole world. Alia is a spontaneous actress like not many others. Her transformation journey from fat to fit is an inspiration for many. Alia Bhatt does not shy away from revealing her transformation journey and even regularly discuss her fitness routine on social platforms. She posts fitness Vlog on youtube on a regular basis.