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Mental wellbeing

Of all the problems that human face, can be summarized in one and only one thing i.e. inability to manage their own thoughts and emotions. These days man are suffering their own memory and imagination. These two faculties have become the biggest enemy of mental wellbeing.

Top ten reason of Mental disease.

1.Using Intellect in all aspect of your life.

2.Sticking to your memory - Inability to get rid of bad memory.

3.Suffering their own imagination - Worrying and fear about the future.

4.Inability to control their own thoughts and emotion.

5.Getting trapped in their own life's arrangement.

6.Having unreal and over expectations from themselves and inability to accomplish it.

7.Trying to please everyone around.

How to have mental wellbeing?

No physical ailment can match up to the amount of suffering caused by mental suffering.

There are many ways of living a mentally healthy life as mentioned below.

1.Embrace minimalism.

2. Have clarity of the direction of your life.

3. Don't have any kind of addiction.

4.Learn devotion.

5. Get rid of unnecessary identity.

6. Carry spiritualism with you wherever you go.

7. Eat healthy foods.

8. Live a disciplined life.

What does mental wellbeing called in other languages?

  • In Spanish Bienester mental
  • french bien-etre mental
  • korean jeongsin geongang
  • German geistiges wohlbefinder
  • turkish zihinsel saglik
  • chinese Xinli jiankang
  • japanese mentarru erubiingu
  • hindi maanasik tandurustee

Today's One Point News

RBI proposes to set upper age limit for CEOs, Whole time Directors of banks to 70 years.


  1. […] are primarily eight dimensions of wellbeing Physical wellbeing, Emotional wellbeing, Intellectual wellbeing, Social wellbeing, Spiritual […]


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