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Top Ten Routines for Wellbeing

Top Ten Routines for Wellbeing

Routines make or break a man. What a man does a day in and day out ultimately determines his destination. Routine is your habituated way of doing and being. There are some daily actions that a man can perform, which ultimately work for the wellbeing of the man.

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

1. Sharpen Your being - For your wellbeing and the first and the most important thing is to work on your body, mind, spirit, emotion. Without the sweetness in your body and mind. Nothing matters nothing.

2. Bath Daily - Though this might be a cliche to tell a person to bath daily but it is equally important for your wellbeing.

3.Clean and Organize - As a saying goes your outer life is a reflection of your inner life. The disorganization and untidiness outside of you is a mirror image of the inside of you. So, it is extremely important for having clarity and declutter your mind to be absolute tidy and organised.

4. Eat fibre - You are what you eat, Nothing impacts your wellbeing as much as an eating habit does. Your emotions are very much governed by your food. So eat a lot of fruits and veggies and fibre.

5. Pray - Praying makes keeps grounded, praying makes you believe there is some unseen force which is greater than you. It gets you to touch with a dimension which is showered with immense possibility and abundance.

6. Read Daily - Reading helps in exercising your imagination. It helps in making mind fertile. Ask any Leader, the one thing every leader recommend is to read on a daily basis.

7. Write tasks - Writing makes your mind relax. It lets your action organize in a particular desired direction thus makes you more productive.

8. Eat light in the night - After dinner, there does not remain much time with human to do tasks so not much energy is required. So, it is advisable to eat less at dinner otherwise unused energy developed by food gets converted into fat.

9. Sleep early on time - Timely sleeping helps you get up early in the morning and thus making you feel relaxed the whole day. Many celebrities constantly promote early to bed and early to rise like Akshay Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan, Narendra Modi, Virat Kohli etc. They don't only promote but ritually follow it.

10. Get up early and drink water - Keeping your body hydrated makes you feel fresh and energetic so its best to get up early and the first thing you should do is to drink a glass of water. This is the first of the top ten routines for wellbeing.


  1. […] Of all the problems that human face, can be summarized in one and only one thing i.e. inability to manage their own thoughts and emotions. These days man are suffering their own memory and imagination. These two faculties have become the biggest enemy of mental wellbeing. […]

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