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Population - The Cause of all the problems

If you had to eliminate one problem that you can eliminate from the world. What would that be? all the wisest one would say the continuous rise of Population.

Directly or indirectly population is really the biggest source and a source of all other problems human are facing these days except the problems that arise from the greed of human consciousness.

Unemployment, Pollution, Global warming, extinction of living animals, forest fire are the direct cause of population.

The population in 2020 has reached 7.8 billion. The population explosion has happened after world war II and is continuing to happen in many parts of the world.

There are many factors that contributed to a population explosion. The major factor is advancement in medical science, increasing in life expectancy, a decrease in infant mortality.

What are the ten countries with the largest population?

  • China
  • India
  • United States
  • Indonesia
  • Pakistan
  • Nigeria
  • Brazil
  • Bangladesh
  • Russia
  • Mexico

The rate at which the population in India is rising is enough to surpass China in the few years to come. China has lifted the restriction of bearing only one child a few years back, that's mean, China will also start picking up the pace of rising population.

Population explosion in India

The population explosion has surely happened or in the process. The biggest challenges India is facing is population. The Present Indian Govt. have the intent and courage to implement some policies to curb the ever-rising rate of population.

What is Population called in other languages?

  • In Spanish poblacion.
  • Italian popolazione
  • French population
  • Korean Ingu
  • Japanese Jinko
  • Chinese Renkou
  • Hindi Janshakhya
  • Turkish Nufus

Todays One Point News

India Successfully Test-fired air-launched version of BrahMos supersonic cruise Missile.


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