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Showing posts from April, 2020

The Pluto - a dwarf planet

  The Pluto - a dwarf planet Had you asked anyone before 2006, which is the smallest planet in the solar system? An immediate reply would have been The Pluto . But now it is mere at the status of a dwarf planet. Now we can say The Pluto - a dwarf planet. The size of the dwarf planet is way smaller than the moon, about 66% of the diameter of the moon. Why and when Pluto lost the status of the planet? The planet is anything which is revolving around The Sun. As per this logic, Pluto should also be a planet as it used to be, but this is not the case anymore. Eris a dwarf planet was discovered in 2005, in the scattered orbital disc. The discovery of Eris led the scientist to think about the status of Pluto as a Planet. In 2006, Scientists formally defined the term Planet. Till 2006, there used to be nine planets in our solar system, but now there remains eight only. Pluto has lost the status of a planet in 2006 and got the status of a dwarf planet.

Coronavirus (COVID 19) - a dent on wellbeing

Coronavirus(COVID 19) - a dent on wellbeing         In the past many decades, COVID 19 like disease has never be seen by this generation or before. This is just unprecedented. What makes this more dangerous than another pandemic is the way it spreads so easily.         Coronavirus is also called COVID 19. The full form of COVID 19 is coronavirus disease in 2019. Coronavirus was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan city of China. It spreads so rapidly in Wuhan that it took not just china but the whole world as a shock. A clear theory about the origin of the virus has not been confirmed yet. Many believe it came from a bat, many give a theory of Bio war. A theory of conspiracy by China against powerful countries for economic gain and dominance over the whole world. According to this theory, COVID 19 was made in Wuhan lab for a purpose and from there it was transferred to other nations. Many other theories

What is Vegan?

What is Vegan?    Vegans are a group of people who avoids animals and animal products. Veganism is a lifestyle of complete abstains from the eating animals and using an animal product. A vegan diet is rich in fibre.         Veganism culture is getting popular day by day, thousands of People from different countries actively turning themselves into vegans.         As vegan completely abstains from animal products, there might be some nutrition deficiency. To overcome the deficiency caused, it becomes a challenge sometimes to choose the right food to eat. To compensate for not eating animals and animal products, vegans prefer eating fruits and vegetables rich in proteins.         The spiritual reason could be behind the people turning vegan changes places to places but in some places like India and other southeastern countries.  In Western culture, for animal lovers, the reason for turning into a vegan is to avoid all forms of exploitation on animals. The influences of Yoga making

What is a Satellite?

What is a Satellite?           Satellite is an object which revolves around another bigger object. Its two main types are, Natural and Artificial. Moon is the natural satellite of Earth. Similarly, our eight planets are the natural satellites of the Sun. Every planet has its own moon except Venus. A satellite stays in its orbit and revolves with the help of the balance between gravitational force and centrifugal force. Gravitational force act inwards while centrifugal force towards in outer direction. When an object takes a circular path a natural called centrifugal force acts on the body in outer direction. Our Solar System          Earth has only one Moon. For the longest period of time, Jupiter was considered to have the highest number of natural satellites but recently Saturn has overtaken Jupiter to have the highest number of natural Satellites. However, this figure also is also not final as there is a possibility of more moons could be found ei

What is Vitamin K good for?

What is Vitamin K good for?     Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is classified into vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 The chemical name of Vitamin K1 is phylloquinone. It can be received from green and leafy vegetables. It is the main type, consumed by a human (about 75% to 80%). Vitamin K2 The chemical name of Vitamin K2 as menaquinone. The primary sources of vitamin K2 are meat, eggs, cereals etc. What does Vitamin K do? Helps in blood clotting thus prevents excessive bleeding. Improves bone strength and bone density. Beneficial for heart health . What foods are high in Vitamin K? Leafy vegetables: Kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens. Sprouts, cauliflower,broccoli ,cabbage. Fish, liver, meat, eggs, cereals. How much Vitamin K should I take a day? The quantity this type of vitamin required depends upon the age of a person and different age group need to have a different quantity in their daily diet. In adults, It's d

How to Improve immunity?

How to Improve Immunity? Immunity is probably the rarest health term we talk about. Hardly do we ever discuss the immunity and its importance in our life. We discuss muscles, bones, heart functioning, haemoglobin, hairs, skins, vitamins, proteins and many more. What could happen if immunity stops working in our life? It is terrible to even think about if we understand the impact of immunity on our overall health . So, it is important to improve immunity.  The immune system protects us from invading pathogenic microorganisms. Immunity is the state of protection from infectious disease caused by viruses and bacteria. Immunity can be improved in many ways as mentioned below : Exercise regularly. Maintain a healthy BMI index . Get adequate sleep. Avoid drinking and smoking. Eat immune-boosting foods. Top Immune-boosting Foods. Mushroom. 2. Broccoli . 3. Spinich. 4. Citrus Fruits . 5. Turmeric . 6. Garlic . 7. Papaya. You must have got answer of the quest

IC 1101( The largest known Galaxy)

           IC 1101( The largest known Galaxy)            A Galaxy consists of stars, a huge collection of gases, interstellar remnants, dust, dark matters etc. Galaxies are classified into a spiral, elliptical or irregular based on their formation. The largest known galaxy ever discovered is IC 1101. It is a massive elliptical galaxy. It is at a distance of 1.045 billion light-years away from the Earth, and its diameter is 1.97million light year. It also consists of the largest known black hole known to man. Andromeda is the largest galaxy in the local group. It is also the closest to our Milkyway Galaxy.     The size comparison of Galaxy IC 1101 with our Galaxy Milkyway is shown in the picture below. Some interesting facts about Galaxy IC 1101. 1. There are about 100 lakh crore (100 trillion) stars exist in this supermassive  Galaxy.  2. The Galaxy is in Virgo constellation.  3. The Galaxy was discovered in 1790 by British Astronomer Fredrick William Herschel. 4. IC 1101 is sit